As we entered into the new school year, we returned to a spotless QPA thanks to our dedicated maintenance staff. This amazing group of people give their all several hours a day to ensure our school is a safe and welcoming learning environment. So it’s only appropriate that we show appreciation and acknowledge everything they do.
Making Learning Possible
As the fall season rolls in, it’s important that we recognize the custodians who work both inside and outside of the building. Some of these employees are responsible for cleaning the interior: our classrooms, our halls, our cafeteria, and even our bathrooms. Thanks to their diligence, we’re able to learn and grow in a sanitary setting. However, we must also remember those responsible for the outdoors who brave the weather to do their jobs: keeping the outside of the school free of litter, maintaining the grounds, and snow and ice removal. Together, these members of the support staff guarantee our school is cared for, both inside and out.
Interior Support
Mr. Andrew—who may not be very well-known to QPA students since he works in the afternoon and on weekends—has helped maintain the school since 2014. He started as a part time employee, but eventually ended up working full time for eight years. His job is to ensure classrooms, hallways and bathrooms are in order when students and staff return to school the next day. Additionally, since he works in the evenings and on weekends, he’s responsible for tidying up after events within the school.
He takes his responsibilities seriously, and provided insight on how the school handled the reopening after the COVID pandemic. He said during that time, cleaning staff “were required to spray classrooms” and refill sanitizer deposits “to maintain a safe environment.” He also made it clear that COVID protocols are still in place to ensure students’ well-being, Working indoors, Mr. Andrew mentioned that his job is sometimes challenging as students can be a bit messy. Nevertheless, he’s motivated by what he does to support our learning.
Long-Serving Staff
Ms. Zoraida is another member of the support staff who works inside the building. She’s on assignment during the day and said that overall, students have been friendly and respectful here at Springfield Gardens. She’s a veteran in the field who has worked in the system for twenty-two years, but is new to this location. However, she made a point of stating that their job is “to keep everything clean for the young people,” and that “high schools can be hectic and require more people to make them run.” Even so, she’s happy to work at this particular site.
Another long-term employee in the building is Mr. Jose who, as the handyman, does a bit of everything. He’s worked here for thirty years and was responsible for exterior maintenance for fifteen years before moving inside. Moreover, he’s assigned as the official building fireman, which makes him responsible for the building’s heating system during the cold winters. Mr. Jose believes that “if you like what you do it doesn’t feel like work,” as his job motivates and keeps him engaged on a daily basis. He enjoys his assignment at Springfield Gardens, and plans to be here until he retires.

Exterior Support
Working hard to take care of the exterior of the building is Mr. Carmine, another veteran member of our support staff. In addition to the routine cleaning of the outdoors, he’s responsible for the maintenance of the athletic field and disclosed that both students and teachers have been respectful toward him over the years. Mr. Carmine also expressed that the support staff are first responders for the New York City Department Of Education and the City of New York and in the event of an emergency, are the first onsite to ensure the safety of the students and staff of the Springfield Gardens Campus.
So, all in all, the facts are clear. Our support staff contribute to our wellbeing and are very important to our school. Therefore, we shouldn’t take their efforts for granted. We must show appreciation for what they do, and do whatever we can to make their jobs easier, if and when we are able.